About Westech
Westech Sceintific Instruments (Westech) is focused specifically on the needs of pharmaceutical and environmental markets. Traditionally, the company’s core business was based on the collection and characterization of particulate matter and dust. In recent years, the company has expanded its product offerings in related fields to better serve its customers.
In the pharmaceutical market, Westech provides an extensive range of equipment focusing on Inhalation Drug Testing products and Automation systems for the Pharmaceutical industry.
Westech also provides solutions for environmental monitoring and the sampling of stack emissions. With office locations in Europe and North America, Westech provides personal direct support to clients in all major regions. Now considered to be one of the worlds leading suppliers of Inhalation Testing Products to the Pharmaceutical Industry, Westech continues to develop innovative products and solutions.
Our Mission
Westech designs, manufactures and distributes high quality instruments and services related to pharmaceutical research, manufacturing and environmental testing. We promote core products and expertise while constantly reviewing and developing new innovations to increase industry presence. Client relationships and business partnerships will ensure further success and continue our growth worldwide.

Additional Services
Westech offers a complete range of calibration services related to all products from UKAS
Calibration for Stack Sampling Trains to Jet Mensuration for Cascade Impactors.
Design services
Westech offers design services in all product categories. Our relevant experiences in aerosol collection systems related to pharmaceutical and environmental testing are specialties.
Repair and Refurbish
Westech offers repair and refurbishment of equipment. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. Exact costs will be advised after inspection and before work is carried out.
Sampling Services
Westech offers sampling services for some of our Stack Emissions categories. Our relevant experiences in aerosol collection systems related to environmental testing are specialties.
Custom Design Solutions
We will find and design solutions to the most demanding sampling tasks, often through the innovative application of known technologies, for all types of aerosol including ambient, automotive, emission, pharmaceutical and biological.
Comprehensive Support
Westech also provides a comprehensive service and support programme for all particulate monitoring systems in the field, including a maintenance and calibration service for the pharmaceutical industry and a UKAS compliant traceable calibration service for the environmental monitoring market.