Waste Shot Collector (WASC)
A waste shot collector is used to trap particles emitted from pharmaceutical inhalers of both liquid and powder type aerosols from Metered Dose (MDI) or Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI). Dose wasting is usually done in an exhaust hood or fume cupboard. The collector is small enough to fit on a bench, powered by compressed air and has an automatic sensor providing a fast start/ stop feature.
Features and benefits:
• HEPA filter cartridge retains 99.97% of particles over 0.3 µm
• Disposable filter canister with simple quick-turn release
• Thousands of shots per filter before replacement
• Adjustable vacuum flow rates to greater than 150 L/min
• LES sensor to detect & actuate start
• Manual start/ foot petal optional
• Uses standard mouth piece adaptors
• Solenoid uses low voltage DC power
• Routine house air at 5 Bar (~73 psi)